Беккер Майнинг Системс РУ

Smartcom wireless surface and
underground communication

Беккер Майнинг Системс РУ
We speak your language
We offer best communication solutions which provide smooth high speed data transmission, positioning and communication where it is needed.
Fast assembly and commissioning
System deployment up to 3 km per shift
Flexible system
High speed line up to 1 gbit/s on open protocols + easy scaling of the system
Communication, positioning and data transmission
3 systems in 1 infrastructure with individual selection of interfaces
Highly productive communication channel
Up to 1000 simultaneous active clients at one access point

© 2024 Becker Mining

Becker Mining Systems Rus
Russia, 654006, Novokuznetsk,
pl. Pobed, 1, building 106
+7(3843)200 021