Беккер Майнинг Системс РУ

of Mechanized Complexes

Беккер Майнинг Системс РУ
We support you
Minesupport products Becker Mining systems are modern longwall systems used under all mining conditions.
Flexibility of parameters
Setting increment of sections 1,5 м и 1,75 м for mineable seam thickness from 0.8 m to 4.7 m
The use on flat and inclined seams.
Dip up to 40°
3 types of roof beams
Advantages for each type of coal mining

© 2024 Becker Mining

Becker Mining Systems Rus
Russia, 654006, Novokuznetsk,
pl. Pobed, 1, building 106
+7(3843)200 021